
Featured image



import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree
tree = etree.ElementTree(file=r'example.svg')  # 保证每次操作均为原始model文件
root = tree.getroot()
nodes = {}
edges = {}
for child in root:
    if 'class' not in child.attrib or child.attrib['class'] != 'graph':
    for node_or_edge in child:
        if 'class' not in node_or_edge.attrib:
        if node_or_edge.attrib['class'] == 'node':
            node = {}
            for node_kv in node_or_edge:
                tag = node_kv.tag.replace('{}', '')
                txt = node_kv.text
                if tag == 'title' and txt.isdigit():
                    node['node_id'] = int(txt)
                if tag == 'text':
                    if ' ≤ ' in txt:
                        node['feature'], node['threshold'] = txt.split(' ≤ ')
                        node['threshold'] = float(node['threshold'])
                    if 'class = ' in txt:
                        node['class'] = txt.replace('class = ', '')
                    # 不同类别的样本数量
                    if 'value = ' in txt:
                        s = txt.replace('value = [', '')
                        s = s.replace(']', '')
                        lable_counts = s.split(', ')
                        unknown_count = int(float(lable_counts[0]))
                        left_turn_count = int(float(lable_counts[1]))
                        right_turn_count = int(float(lable_counts[2]))
                        sample_count = unknown_count + left_turn_count + right_turn_count
                        node['sample_count'] = sample_count
                        node['unknown_prob'] = unknown_count / sample_count
                        node['left_turn_prob'] = left_turn_count / sample_count
                        node['right_turn_prob'] = right_turn_count / sample_count
            if 'node_id' in node:
                nodes[node['node_id']] = node                
        if node_or_edge.attrib['class'] == 'edge':
            for node_kv in node_or_edge:
                tag = node_kv.tag.replace('{}', '')
                txt = node_kv.text
                if tag == 'title':
                    from_id, to_id = txt.split('->')
                    from_id = int(from_id)
                    to_id = int(to_id)
                    if from_id in edges:
                        edges[from_id] = [to_id]
# 设置左右子树
for from_id in edges:
    left_id, right_id = edges[from_id]
    nodes[from_id]['left_node_id'] = left_id
    nodes[from_id]['right_node_id'] = right_id

nodes_vec = []
for i in range(max(nodes) + 1):
nodes_json = {'nodes':nodes_vec}

import json
with open('data.json', 'w') as f:
    json.dump(nodes_json, f, indent = 3)